viernes, 28 de junio de 2013

The last one...

I believe that all of you guys who read this blog deserve to have a closing entry.
The last time when I wrote here was 4 months ago, but this is a good sign for all of those who are interested in doing European Voluntary Service, because you can see that I was not bored for a second in these last weeks, I didn't even have time to write in my precious blog:)
During the last months in Tenerife so many wonderful magic happened which would have been really worth to mention here, but now it is too late... Instead of this I will give you the "Best of Tenerife" based on my experiences as a goodbye. Thank you for reading this! I hope I could encourage you to participate in EVS!

The best city (obviously:))

The best beach

The best team (ever!)

The best song

The best religious celebration

The best business

The best food

The best hiking

The best view

 The most interesting animal

The best party

The best cliff

The best year of my life...

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